Technical Seminar on the “Securing our Future”
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Technical Seminar on the “Securing our Future”

Venue: Connexion Conference & Event Centre, Bangsar South
Connexion Conference & Event Centre
Bangsar South
(Spectrum & Prism Function Room)
Date: 30 Sep 2022
Time: 8:30am - 5:00pm

What does it take to change the catastrophic direction we are heading towards, to one which is carbon neutral or negative, so as to ensure the continuation of mankind? You will find the answers you are looking for in this seminar, curated for you. From the concept, to systems, down to the equipment requirements, in 6 concise talks. Introduction to the theme by ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, Luke Leung, speaking on New Carbon Standards, followed by speakers from the industry on systems and equipment which contribute to reducing carbon emissions, and ensuring good IAQ at the same time, an
essential element of our well-being. Then, we will get Luke’s view on Healthy Built Environment – Pandemic and Beyond. Finally, to help put it all in context, by our past Distinguished Lecturer Ir TL Chen.

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