Upcoming Major Impact on the Air-Conditioning Industry
News & Events

Upcoming Major Impact on the Air-Conditioning Industry

Pullman Kuala Lumpur Bangsar
Date: 16 Mar 2017
Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Event:1 Day Seminar Update on Refrigerants
Title: Upcoming Major Impact on the Air-Conditioning Industry.
Organization: MACRA-MASHRAE-DOE Joint Seminar
Organizing Person:
Department of Environment
Date: Thursday, 16 March, 2017
Time: 9.00am to 5.00pm
Place: Pullman Kuala Lumpur Bangsar
MASHRAE: Chea Suei Keong (GGAC Chapter Chair)
Representatives: Shafizah Jabar Basha, Assistant Director of DOE, Aminah binti Ali, Sr Assistant Director of DOE.

Sr Assistant Director in DOE, Aminah binti Ali, presented the latest update The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol: HFC Phase-down. Shafizah Jabar Basha, Assistant Director of DOE presented the topic of Regulations on Refrigerant Management: Updates and Initiatives. ASHRAE DL DrEckhard A. Groll presented the topic of Update on Refrigerants: Past, Present and Future. ASHRAE DL Ir Chen TL presented the paper titled Flammable Refrigerants and Beyond Refrigerants. Dr Chin Wai Meng presented the Introduction to HFC 32 Refrigerant.

MACRA-MASHRAE-DOE Refrigerants Update

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